Our school governors meet frequently throughout the year.  They take responsibility for the strategic leadership of the school.  Committees meet to ensure responsibilities relating to finance, premises, personnel and curriculum are met.

The governing board seeks to ensure that there is a balance of skills which enable them to hold the school to account.  There are twelve members of the governing board made up of the Head teacher, four parent governors, five community governors, a staff governor and a Local Authority governor.

The governors at West Hampstead Primary are a very strong team as noted during our OFSTED inspection in March 2022.

“Leaders and governors know the key issues in the work of the school. They are well
informed and act to continually improve the quality of education.”

There are now several ways for you to compare this school against others. Please click the 'Schools Financial Benchmarking link:

Our Governors are always available to take your comments and suggestions. The Governing Board currently comprises of:

Madhavan Raman (Chair of Governors)

Helen Tulloch (Clerk to Governors)

Penny Liechti (Parent)(Joint Vice-Chair)

Sam Drake (Headteacher)

Olivia Cooper (Staff Governor)

Clare Booth (Parent)

Reena O'Neill (Parent)

Sejal Shanghavi

Juliet Phillips

Hannah Blausten

Christine Ma

Pete Newton

Joanne Clement